The city of Kuřim, population approximately 10 000, is located 10 km northwest of Brno. It lies on the main South Moravian development axis and offers good accessibility, a wide range of jobs, various public facilities and living in natural surroundings. It thus creates an antipole to modern satellites and because of that it is one of the few dynamically developing cities. Kuřim is not a classic historic city. For a long time, it had been just a village with a farmhouse belonging to the city of Brno. And it’s not just because of this fact that its construction development may be described as “desultory growth”. The city consist of several more or less independent structures, self-sustaining districts with their own sub-centres and services that emerged in waves. Like beads on a string, all of these parts wind around two woody horsts of Horka and Záruba. We are trying to enhance this polycentric structure with our master plan and to further develop it both in complex as well as in detail. The result should be a system of largely independent localities (the historic centre, the area having to do with the period between the two world wars and then the socialist-realism part Nad Tratí, the modern housing estates Loučky and Díly, the original settlement Podlesí and the new district of Záhoří) creating one unit connected by a large park in the centre.
- location:
- Kuřim, Jihomoravský kraj, CZ
- client:
- Kuřim Municipality
- authors:
- Jiří Knesl, Jakub Kynčl, Jan Špirit, Bohuš Zoubek
- project phase:
- completed
- project period:
- 2008–2014
- project area:
- 1 737 ha