The conception of the renovation of the Classicist town hall can be summarised in a few keywords: to keep the most of the old, to simplify and to complete the whole into a functional unit, the old is old and the new is new. The building of the town hall corresponds with the space of the square and with the proportion of the surrounding buildings, therefore only a minimum intervention has been chosen.
According to the building structure the ground floor and the first floor are dedicated to the offices of the town hall, to the club or commercial spaces and to the multi-purpose hall. The attic is newly reserved for a widely alight library with the glassed northern roof plane. The main entrance is kept from the square side; a new wheelchair accessible entrance is added through a small courtyard to the new concrete extension with the staircase and the lift.
- location:
- nám. J. Hrubého, Kardašova Řečice, CZ
- client:
- Kardašova Řečice Municipality
- authors:
- Jiří Knesl, Jakub Kynčl
- project team:
- Josef Hajný, Tomáš Pavlíček, Jan Weiss
- project phase:
- competition (2013)
- floor area:
- 738 m2